The spirit is willing out but the flesh is weak.
Raf近幾年在jil sander的成績有目共睹,其探求及突破的精神令人不得不馴服,被冠以”新時代設計師”美譽實屬意料之內。可是,今季一系列boxy knits ,bold stripe, bright colors等完全是意料之外,如同西班牙大戰瑞士在不在狀態下成輸家一事,使人們再次陷入無底深淵中。同中求異的西門兄跑到哪裡去?
”Just add some color to t-shirt and pants and voila you have a brand new collection,you could find those colored shirts everywhere,there's no need to pay more than $200 for them...”___ FashionPower.
但願Raf的Raf simons能一雪恥辱,但我還是不要抱太期望,免得好像英軍大戰白衫軍而落空而回。
延伸閱讀 ︰ Jil Sander Mens Spring Summer 2010
(本人沒有修讀設計這門課,對時裝只是捨本逐末取其皮毛。 可是天性酷愛美麗的人事物,以及發表意見和感受。 如有冒犯,請見諒。如有錯誤,請糾正。)
"People think we are young and beautiful and rich and happy. But we're not. We go to castings and the directors take one look at us and then we're dismissed. You spend your whole life wondering what's wrong with you. Why didn't I get that job? You're competing with your friends, you're away from your family. The pressure is huge. It's not the fairytale life people would expect." Milan Fashion Week begins tomorrow. A tribute seems likely - several of the designers showing on the first day (including Costume National and Burberry) were regular clients of Nicon's.____Isaac likes - 22歲法國小狗Tom離開了人世,Rest In Peace.
Tom Nicon(March 22 1988 – June 19 2010)
source : Frillr