
Filippa K Fall/Winter 2010 | Mathias Lauridsen by Camilla Akrans

'I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breath, I wanna be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
I'd steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what love can do
I'll be there for you'


瘦削小王子 - Charles Guislain

The next fashion ICON or The next hot fashion Designer?

            一頭淡金髮、透徹如玉的肌膚(正確一點是,白得可憐)、比女人更瘦岩岩的身影(正確一點是,纖細瘦削得好像快被折斷的樣子),及冷漠但帶點稚氣的面孔,是他, Charles Guislain — 一blog成名的法國金童。



Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.


七月五日的晚上,眾多位貴賓在房間內收到芬芳美麗的花束,喚起各貴賓的好奇。時裝展會上,真相大白,這是一場花之讚頌。孖辮John (Galliano)繼續以他最喜愛的雪紡及ruffles演繹花的剪形與形狀,並與老拍檔、合作多年的戰友Stephen Jones繒製出作點綴的帽子(如塑料包裝的帽子)。一朵朵美艷奪目的鮮花綻放在今季Christian Dior Haute Couture舞台上……